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Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with These Fleece Blanket Hacks

Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with These Fleece Blanket Hacks

Introduction to Fleece Blankets

Fleece blankets are a popular choice for many people because they are soft, warm and comfortable. They come in various sizes and colors, making them perfect for any room or occasion. Whether you’re looking for something cozy to curl up with on the couch or a lightweight throw for chilly nights, fleece blankets have got you covered.

How to Make a Fleece Tie Blanket

One of the most popular ways to make a fleece blanket is by creating a tie blanket. This type of blanket is easy to make and requires only a few supplies. Here’s how you can create your own:

Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with These Fleece Blanket Hacks
Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with These Fleece Blanket Hacks 5

1. Choose two pieces of fleece fabric that complement each other. You can use solid colors or patterns; it all depends on your personal preference.

2. Cut both pieces of fleece into rectangles of equal size. The dimensions will depend on the size of the finished product you want. For example, if you want a queen-size blanket, cut the fabric into 90-inch by 80-inch rectangles.

3. Fold one piece of fleece in half lengthwise so that it resembles a long rectangle. Then fold the second piece of fleece in half widthwise to match the first piece.

4. Place the two pieces of fleece together with their right sides facing outward. Pin them together along three edges, leaving one short edge unpinned.

5. Sew around the pinned edges using a sewing machine or needle and thread. Leave the remaining short edge open.

6. Turn the blanket inside out through the opening left unsewn. Use a stuffed animal or similar object to help push out the corners and shape the blanket.

7. Finally, tie the loose ends of the fleece strips together at intervals across the top of the blanket to secure it.

Washing Your Fleece Blanket

To keep your fleece blanket clean and fresh, follow these simple washing instructions:

1. Wash your fleece blanket separately from other laundry items to avoid snagging or stretching.

2. Use cold water and mild detergent to prevent shrinkage or damage to the fibers.

3. Avoid using bleach as this may cause discoloration or weaken the material over time.

4. Dry your fleece blanket on low heat or hang it outside to dry. Do not tumble dry as this may cause shrinking or felting.

Making a Fleece Blanket from Scratch

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also make a fleece blanket from scratch without using premade fabrics. Here’s what you’ll need:

1. Two yards of polar fleece fabric (or more depending on desired size)

2. Fabric scissors

3. Needle and thread

4. Iron


1. Lay out your polar fleece fabric flat on a table or floor surface.

2. Cut off any rough edges or frayed areas to ensure a smooth finish.

3. Measure and mark the dimensions of your desired blanket onto the fabric using a marker or chalk.

4. Cut out the blanket shape following the marked lines.

5. Next, fold the raw edges of the fabric towards the center of the blanket, creating a hem.

6. Using a needle and thread, stitch the hem closed, leaving an opening large enough to turn the blanket inside out.

7. Turn the blanket inside out through the opening and iron out any wrinkles or creases.

Creating the Perfect Snuggle Spot with Fleece Blankets

Now that you know everything there is to know about fleece blankets, let’s talk about how to create the ultimate snuggle spot with them. Here are some ideas:

1. Add layers – Pile on multiple fleece blankets to create a cozy nest of comfort.

2. Incorporate pillows – Prop yourself up against a wall of pillows and wrap yourself in a fleece blanket for maximum relaxation.

3. Light some candles – Create a calming atmosphere by adding aromatherapy candles or string lights to your snuggle spot.

4. Listen to music – Play some ambient background music or white noise to enhance your sense of calmness.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Whether you prefer a classic solid color or a fun patterned design, fleece blankets offer endless possibilities when it comes to creating the perfect snuggle spot. With just a little bit of effort, you too can enjoy the luxury and comfort of a handcrafted fleece blanket. So go ahead, grab your favorite book or movie and settle down underneath your new fleece creation!

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