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Tie-Dye Inspired DIY Fleece Blanket Ideas for Summer

Tie-Dye Inspired DIY Fleece Blanket Ideas for Summer

Are you ready to add a pop of color and fun to your summer decor? Look no further than our tie-dye inspired DIY fleece blanket ideas. With just a few supplies, you can create a cozy and stylish addition to any room in your home. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to make a fleece tie blanket and share tips on washing fleece blankets so that they last for years to come.


Tie-dyed fabrics have been popular since the 1960s, but their unique style has stood the test of time. Whether you prefer bright colors or muted tones, there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating your own tie-dye design. One of the best things about making your own tied fleece blanket is that it’s easy enough for beginners to try. And with a little creativity, you can customize your blanket to match any decor.

How to Make a Fleece Tie Blanket

Making a fleece tie blanket is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Choose Your Fabric

For this project, you’ll need two yards of fleece fabric. You can choose from a variety of colors and patterns to suit your personal taste. If you want a more vibrant look, consider using darker colors as they will absorb dyes better.

Tie-Dye Inspired DIY Fleece Blanket Ideas for Summer
Tie-Dye Inspired DIY Fleece Blanket Ideas for Summer 8

Step 2: Cut Your Fabric

Lay out your fleece fabric and cut it into a square shape. The size of your blanket will depend on how big you want it to be. For example, if you want a small throw blanket, you might cut your fabric into a 36×36-inch square. On the other hand, if you want something larger, like a full-size bed cover, you could cut your fabric into a 72×72-inch square.

Step 3: Fold Your Fabric

Once you’ve cut your fabric, fold it diagonally so that each corner meets at the center. This will give you four layers of fabric to work with.

Step 4: Secure Your Fabric

Tie-Dye Inspired DIY Fleece Blanket Ideas for Summer
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To keep your fabric from unfolding while you tie it, use rubber bands to hold the corners together. Wrap the rubber band around the middle of each edge, then wrap another one halfway down the length of the fabric. This will help ensure that your knots stay tight and secure.

Step 5: Tie Your Knots

Now it’s time to start tying your knots! Begin by folding the top layer of fabric over itself, leaving about six inches of fabric hanging down. Then, take the bottom layer of fabric and fold it up over the first layer, again leaving about six inches of fabric hanging down. Repeat this process with the remaining two layers of fabric until all four layers are stacked on top of each other.

Next, begin tying your knots. Start by taking the top left corner of the fabric and bringing it across to the right side. Take the next layer of fabric (the pink one) and bring it up over the blue layer, then tie a double knot around both layers. Continue tying knots every six inches or so until you reach the end of the fabric. When you get to the final knot, leave a long tail of fabric so that you can use it to hang your finished product later.

Step 6: Dye Your Blanket

Now that your blanket is tied, it’s time to add some color! There are several ways to dye your fleece blanket, including using Rit dye, food coloring, or even spray paint. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. Once you’ve added your dye, let your blanket sit for a few hours or overnight to allow the color to set in.

Step 7: Remove Your Rubber Bands

After your blanket has dried completely, remove the rubber bands and carefully pull apart the layers of fabric. Be sure not to untie any of your knots! At this point, you should have a beautifully dyed fleece tie blanket that’s perfect for snuggling up with on cool summer nights.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Making Your Own Tied Fleece Blanket

There are many benefits to making your own tied fleece blanket. First and foremost, it’s a great way to add a personal touch to your home decor. By choosing your own colors and designs, you can create a one-of-a-kind piece that reflects your personality and style. Additionally, making your own blanket is often cheaper than buying one, especially if you already have the materials on hand. Finally, fleece is a versatile material that’s soft, warm, and machine washable, which makes it an ideal choice for year-round use.

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