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Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with This Easy Fleece Blanket Pattern

Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with This Easy Fleece Blanket Pattern

Introduction to the Perfect Snuggle Spot:

There’s nothing quite like curling up in a cozy blanket on a chilly day. Whether you’re watching TV, reading a book or just taking a nap, having a soft and warm blanket can make all the difference. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create the perfect snuggle spot with an easy fleece blanket pattern that anyone can follow!

Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with This Easy Fleece Blanket Pattern
Create the Perfect Snuggle Spot with This Easy Fleece Blanket Pattern 5

Materials and Tools Required for Making a Fleece Blanket:

One piece of fleece fabric (measuring at least 50″ x 60″)


Sewing machine (optional)

How to Make a Tied Fleece Blanket in 5 Easy Steps:

1. Lay out your fleece fabric so it is flat and smooth. Cut off any excess fabric around the edges to make sure they are straight and even.

2. Fold the fleece in half lengthwise, so that it forms a rectangle shape. The folded edge should be the top of your blanket.

3. Cut slits into the sides of the fleece, about 4 inches apart. Start from one end of the blanket and cut all the way down to the other end. Be careful not to cut through the entire width of the fabric – only go deep enough to form loops.

4. Take each looped section and tie them together tightly using a double knot. Pull the ends of the ties to make them shorter if needed.

5. Turn over the bottom edge of the blanket by about 4 inches and pin it in place. You can either sew this edge closed using a sewing machine or simply leave it as is. Your tied fleece blanket is now complete!

Washing Instructions for Your New Fleece Blanket:

Fleece blankets are very durable and can handle being washed many times without losing their quality. To keep your new blanket looking its best, follow these simple washing instructions:

1. Wash your fleece blanket separately from other laundry items to avoid damage.

2. Use cold water when washing your fleece blanket to prevent shrinkage.

3. Avoid using bleach or harsh detergents, which can cause fading or pilling.

4. Dry your fleece blanket on low heat in the dryer or hang it outside to air dry. Do not use high heat or wring out your blanket after washing, as this can stretch out the fibers.

Conclusion: Creating the Ultimate Cozy Corner with Fleece:

With just a few supplies and some basic sewing skills, you can create the ultimate cozy corner with a customized fleece blanket. Whether you choose to add fringe or pompoms, or simply stick with a classic design, there’s no denying the comfort and warmth that comes with wrapping yourself up in a handmade fleece blanket. So grab your materials and get started today – before winter arrives!

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