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DIY: How to Create a Custom-Made Fleece Blanket in Under an Hour

Are you looking for a cozy and comfortable blanket that can keep you warm during the cold winter nights? Why not create your own custom-made fleece blanket? In this blog post, we will show you how to make your very own DIY fleece blanket in under an hour.

Fleece is a soft and warm fabric that is perfect for making blankets. It’s lightweight, durable, and easy to care for. With just a few supplies and some basic sewing skills, you can create a beautiful and personalized fleece blanket that will last for years to come.

Materials Required to Create a Custom-Made Fleece Blanket:

Two pieces of fleece fabric (make sure they are the same size)

Scissors or rotary cutter


Sewing machine (or needle and thread if you prefer to hand stitch)

How to Cut the Fabric for Your DIY Fleece Blanket:

1. Lay out both pieces of fleece on top of each other so that they are facing the wrong side up.

2. Fold one corner of the fabric towards the center, creating a triangle shape. This will be the bottom point of your blanket.

3. Measure the length of the folded edge and add 6 inches to it. Mark this measurement with pins along the raw edges of the two pieces of fleece.

4. Using scissors or a rotary cutter, cut off the excess fabric at the marked line.

5. Unfold the fabric and lay them flat again. You should now have two identical rectangles of fleece.

Tying the Perfect Knot for Your Fleece Blanket:

1. Place the two pieces of fleece right sides together.

2. Pin the layers together around all four sides.

3. Starting from one end, sew around three sides of the blanket using a sewing machine or needle and thread. Leave about 8 inches open at the fourth side.

4. Turn the blanket inside out through the opening.

5. Use a chopstick or dowel rod to push out any corners that may have bunched up during turning.

6. Tie a knot at each corner of the blanket to secure the edges. Make sure the knots are tight enough to prevent fraying but not too tight as to cause puckering.

Sewing the Seams of Your Homemade Fleece Blanket:

1. Once you have tied all the corners, turn the blanket back right side out.

2. Iron the blanket to remove any wrinkles or creases.

3. Sew around the remaining open edge of the blanket using a sewing machine or needle and thread.

Washing Instructions for Your New Fleece Blanket:

1. Wash your new fleece blanket separately in cold water on the gentle cycle.

2. Do not use bleach or harsh detergents as these can damage the fibers.

3. Dry the blanket by itself on low heat. Avoid using high heat as this can shrink the material.

And that’s it! In less than an hour, you can create a custom-made fleece blanket that is unique and personalized. Snuggle up with your new cozy creation and enjoy the warmth and comfort it provides.

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