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How to Make a Cozy Fleece Blanket: Tips and Tricks

Are you ready to make a cozy fleece blanket that will keep you warm and comfortable during the cold winter nights? Fleece is one of the most popular materials for making blankets because it’s soft, lightweight, and easy to care for. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create a beautiful tied fleece blanket with tips on washing your fleece blanket correctly. Let’s get started!

Making a Cozy Fleece Blanket from Scratch:

To start making your cozy fleece blanket, you need two pieces of fleece fabric in different colors or patterns. You can choose any size you want, but a good starting point would be 1.5 yards by 2 yards per piece. Next, cut out the shape of your blanket using scissors or a rotary cutter. Make sure to leave at least six inches extra around each edge so that you have enough material to tie later.

Once you have your fleece fabrics cut into the desired shapes, lay them face-to-face and pin them together along all four sides. Then, use a sewing machine or hand stitching to secure the edges together. Leave an opening about eight inches wide on one side where you’ll turn the blanket inside out.

Now, turn the blanket right side out through the opening you left earlier. Use a stuffed animal or other object to help push out the corners until they are fully rounded. Once everything looks perfect, fold over the raw edges of the opening and pin them down. Finally, use a whipstitch or ladder stitch to close up the hole completely.

Creating the Perfect Tied Fleece Blanket:

The next step is to add ties to your blanket. Cut several strips of fabric (about three inches wide) from leftover fleece scraps. Fold each strip lengthwise and press with an iron to crease the center. Then, open up the folded strip and place it horizontally across the top of your blanket, leaving about five inches hanging off each end. Repeat this process every few inches until you reach the bottom of the blanket.

Next, take one end of the first strip and wrap it around the second strip below it, pulling tightly to form a knot. Continue wrapping and knotting all the way down the blanket until you reach the last strip. To finish off, trim any excess fabric from the ends of the strips and fray them slightly for added texture.

Washing Your Fleece Blanket: Do’s and Don’ts:

Fleece is known for being durable and easy to clean, which makes it ideal for blankets. However, there are some things you should do and don’t when washing your fleece blanket. Here are some tips:

Do wash your fleece blanket separately from other laundry items to avoid snagging or pilling.

Don’t use hot water as it could cause shrinkage or damage the fibers. Instead, use lukewarm water and mild detergent.

Do check the label for specific instructions on washing your particular brand of fleece. Some brands may require special treatment.

Don’t put your fleece blanket in the dryer unless specified by the manufacturer. Air drying is usually recommended instead.

How to Make a Fleece Tie Blanket:

A fleece tie blanket is another great option if you prefer something simpler than a full-on quilt. The basic idea behind a fleece tie blanket is to layer two pieces of fleece fabric together and then tie them in various places to create a unique design. Here’s how to make one:

Choose two contrasting colors of fleece fabric and measure them to fit your bed size. Lay them face-to-face and pin them together along all four sides. Sew or hand stitch the edges together, leaving an opening large enough to pull the finished product through. Turn the blanket right side out and smooth out any wrinkles.

Next, fold the blanket in half width-wise and mark lines every twelve inches or so. These will serve as guides for where to tie the blanket. Unfold the blanket and lay it flat again. Take one color of fleece and fold it accordion style, creating sections approximately six inches wide. Place these sections along the marked lines on the opposite color of fleece. Pin the layers together.

Using a whipstitch or ladder stitch, sew the two layers together at each marked line. Be careful not to catch the loops of fleece in your stitches. When you reach the end of a row, tie a double knot and trim the thread. Repeat this process until you’ve reached the end of the blanket. Finally, trim any loose threads and enjoy your new cozy fleece tie blanket!

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