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The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets

The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets

Are you tired of washing your fleece blankets only to have them come out looking dingy and worn? Do you want to learn the best techniques for keeping your favorite cozy blanket soft, fluffy, and clean? Look no further than this ultimate guide to washing your fleece blankets.

First things first: before we get into how to wash a fleece blanket, let’s talk about making one! Making a fleece tie blanket is easy and fun, and it’s a great way to use up leftover fabric scraps or create a unique gift for someone special. Here are the steps:

1. Cut two pieces of fleece in the size that you desire for your finished blanket. For example, if you want a twin-size blanket, cut each piece to 60 inches by 80 inches.

2. Lay one piece of fleece on top of the other with right sides facing each other (the “right side” is the side without any printing or design).

3. Pin the edges together using safety pins or straight pins. Make sure all four corners are securely pinned.

4. Using a sewing machine, stitch around the entire perimeter of the blanket, leaving an opening at one end for turning. Leave a gap of approximately 5 inches unsewn between the two layers of fleece. This will be where you insert the stuffing later.

5. Turn the blanket inside out so that the wrong sides are now facing each other. Use a chopstick or dowel to push out the corners and make them more rounded.

The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets
The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets 5

6. Stuff the blanket with polyester fiberfill until it is fully puffed up and plump. You can also add small items like lavender buds or essential oils to give your blanket added scent and relaxation benefits.

7. Sew up the remaining opening by hand, tying off the thread ends with a double knot. Your fleece tie blanket is now ready to snuggle under!

Now that you know how to make a fleece blanket, let’s move onto the next topic: how to wash fleece blankets. Fleece is notoriously difficult to care for because it tends to pill and felt when washed incorrectly. However, with these tips, you can keep your fleece blankets looking brand new for years to come:

1. Wash fleece blankets separately from other laundry items to avoid damage caused by zippers, buttons, or Velcro.

2. Use cold water and a mild detergent specifically formulated for delicate fabrics. Avoid using bleach or harsh detergents as they can cause excessive shrinkage and fading.

3. To prevent felting, do not agitate the blanket during the wash cycle. Instead, gently press down on the blanket to release air bubbles and ensure even distribution of soap.

4. Remove the blanket promptly after the wash cycle has ended and lay it flat on a drying rack or towel. Do not wring or squeeze the blanket as this can lead to stretching and distortion.

5. If your fleece blanket still feels slightly damp after being removed from the washer, place it in the dryer on low heat for just a few minutes to finish drying. Be careful not to overdry the blanket as this can cause shrinking and loss of loft.

Finally, let’s discuss how to make a tied fleece blanket. Tied fleece blankets are similar to tie blankets but feature a different type of closure. Here are the steps:

1. Cut two pieces of fleece in the desired size for your finished blanket.

2. Lay one piece of fleece on top of the other with right sides facing each other.

3. Pin the edges together using safety pins or straight pins. Make sure all four corners are securely pinned.

4. Using a sewing machine, stitch around the entire perimeter of the blanket, leaving an opening at one end for turning. Leave a gap of approximately 5 inches unsewn between the two layers of fleece.

5. Turn the blanket inside out so that the wrong sides are now facing each other. Use a chopstick or dowel to push out the corners and make them more rounded.

6. Stuff the blanket with polyester fiberfill until it is fully puffed up and plump.

7. Create a series of loops along one edge of the blanket using embroidery floss or yarn. These loops will serve as the closures for the blanket.

8. On the opposite edge of the blanket, create corresponding buttonholes large enough to accommodate the loops.

9. Thread the loops through the buttonholes, pulling tight to close the blanket. Trim any loose threads and tie a bow or knot to complete the look.

Your tied fleece blanket is now ready to wrap yourself up in and enjoy! Whether you prefer to make a simple tie blanket or a more intricate tied fleece blanket, following these guidelines for washing and caring for your fleece products will help ensure they last for many years to come.

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