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The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets

The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets

Are you tired of your old, worn-out blankets? Do you want to make a cozy and comfortable fleece blanket for yourself or as a gift for someone special? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will teach you everything you need to know about washing your fleece blankets.

Firstly, let’s start with the basics – how to make a fleece tie blanket. This type of blanket is easy to make and requires only a few supplies: two pieces of fleece fabric, scissors, and thread. Simply cut the fleece into two equal halves, fold them in half lengthwise, and wrap one end around the other, tying it securely with thread. You can also add fringe or pompoms along the edges for extra style.

The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets
The Ultimate Guide to Washing Your Fleece Blankets 5

Now that you have your new fleece blanket, it’s essential to learn how to wash it properly. Fleece fabrics are delicate and require gentle care to maintain their softness and shape. First, turn the blanket inside out and machine wash it on cold water using mild detergent. Avoid using hot water or harsh detergents as they can cause shrinkage or damage the fibers. After washing, remove the blanket from the machine promptly and gently squeeze out excess water without wringing or twisting it. Reshape the blanket and lay it flat to dry, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Do not hang it over a clothesline as this can stretch the material.

If you prefer making things from scratch, why not try creating your own fleece blanket? It’s easier than you think! Start by choosing two complementary colors of fleece fabric and cutting them into rectangles of the same size. Next, layer the two pieces together, right sides facing each other, and pin them in place. Sew around the edges, leaving an opening at one end for turning. Turn the blanket inside out through the opening, press the seams flat, and hand stitch the opening closed. Finally, trim any loose threads and voila! Your customized fleece blanket is ready to use.

Last but not least, let’s talk about creating the perfect tied fleece blanket. To do so, choose a patterned fleece fabric with contrasting colors and patterns. Cut the fabric into a square or rectangle shape, depending on your preference. Fold the fabric in half diagonally to create a triangle, then fold it again to form a smaller triangle. Secure the layers together with pins or clips, then begin tying the corners together with embroidery floss or yarn. Tie tight knots and leave long tails for fringe or braiding. Once all four corners are tied, snip off any uneven ends and voila! Your unique tied fleece blanket is complete.

In conclusion, whether you’re looking to make a simple fleece tie blanket or a more complex creation, remember to follow these tips for washing and caring for your fleece blankets. With proper care, they will last for years to come, keeping you warm and cozy throughout the coldest winter nights.

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