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Transform Your Old Clothes into a Beautiful Fleece Blanket

Transform Your Old Clothes into a Beautiful Fleece Blanket

Do you have an old sweater or fleece jacket that you don’t wear anymore? Instead of throwing it away, why not transform it into a cozy and beautiful blanket? Making your own fleece blanket is easy and can be done in just one weekend. Here are the materials needed to make a fleece tie blanket:

An old sweater or fleece jacket


A sewing machine (optional) Thread Needle

To start making your DIY tied fleece blanket for beginners, first wash your old clothes thoroughly to remove any dirt or stains. Once they are dry, cut off the sleeves and collar from the garment. Then, use scissors to carefully cut out the front and back pieces of the blanket. You will need two identical pieces.

Next, fold each piece of fabric in half lengthwise so that the edges match up perfectly. Cut slits along the edge of the fabric about 1 inch apart. Make sure to leave at least 2 inches uncut at the top of the fabric. These slits will create the fringe on your finished blanket.

Now, take one of the pieces of fabric and lay it flat on a table with the right side facing down. Take the other piece of fabric and place it on top of the first piece with the wrong sides together. Pin the layers together around all four sides.

If you have a sewing machine, you can now sew around all four sides using a straight stitch. Leave a gap of about 4 inches open on one end of the blanket to turn it inside out later. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you can use thread and a needle to handstitch the edges together.

Once you have completed the sewing or handstitching, turn the blanket inside out through the opening you left earlier. Use a wooden dowel or similar object to push out the corners and ensure that they are fully turned inside out. Now, iron the blanket to smooth out any wrinkles and creases.

Finally, trim the excess threads and tuck them neatly underneath the blanket. To finish off your DIY tied fleece blanket for beginners, simply knot the fringe on both ends of the blanket. This will give your blanket a more polished look and prevent the fringe from getting tangled.

Transform Your Old Clothes into a Beautiful Fleece Blanket
Transform Your Old Clothes into a Beautiful Fleece Blanket 5

Congratulations! You have successfully transformed your old clothing into a beautiful fleece blanket. It’s time to snuggle up with your new creation and enjoy its warmth and comfort.

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