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What is a Veteran? Understanding the Different Types of Protected Veterans

What is a Veteran? Understanding the Different Types of Protected Veterans

As Americans, we owe our freedom and way of life to the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces. These individuals are known as veterans, and they come from all walks of life to protect this great nation. In honor of their service, the government has put into place laws that provide special protections for these heroes. But what exactly is a veteran, and how do you qualify for protection under the law? Let’s take a closer look at the different types of protected veterans and find out more about their contributions to society.

Types of Protected Veterans Under the Law

Under federal law, there are several categories of protected veterans. The first category includes those who have served on active duty during wartime or in peacetime but were discharged due to a service-connected disability. This group also includes those who received an expedited transfer from the Department of Defense to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for medical treatment related to a service-connected injury or illness.

The second category of protected veterans includes those who served on active duty for 180 days or more and were not dishonorably discharged. This group also includes those who completed basic training and were sent home early because of a service-related disability.

Who is Considered a Veteran?

Not everyone who serves in the military meets the criteria for protected veteran status under the law. However, anyone who has served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces can be considered a veteran. This includes members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Reserve components.

In addition to serving in the military, veterans must meet certain requirements to receive benefits and protections under the law. For example, some benefits may only be available to veterans with a service-connected disability rating, while others may require a specific length of service or type of discharge.

The Contributions of Veterans in Society

Veterans make significant contributions to society both during and after their time in uniform. They bring valuable skills and experience to the workforce, including leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Many veterans go on to start businesses, become community leaders, and serve in elected office.

What is a Veteran? Understanding the Different Types of Protected Veterans
What is a Veteran? Understanding the Different Types of Protected Veterans 5

Beyond their professional achievements, veterans also give back to their communities through volunteerism and philanthropy. According to one study, veterans are more likely than non-veterans to donate money, volunteer their time, and participate in civic activities.


Whether you know someone who has served in the military or not, it’s important to understand the sacrifices made by America’s veterans. By recognizing their contributions and providing them with support and resources, we can help ensure that they continue to thrive long after leaving the military.

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